We Is Greater Than Me: “Unique Community” (1 Corinthians 12)
The desire of God’s heart can be summarized in one word: “Unity” (John 17:11). Unity is His greatest desire for the Church. Unfortunately, jealousy and insecurity often lead us to division. However, because of Christ, we can strive to live as we are created to be, members of the body of believers, sharing in each other’s suffering and rejoicing. This united body is a unique community, unlike any other!The desire of God’s heart can be summarized in one word: “Unity” (John 17:11). Unity is His greatest desire for the Church. Unfortunately, jealousy and insecurity often lead us to division. However, because of Christ, we can strive to live as we are created to be, members of the body of believers, sharing in each other’s suffering and rejoicing. This united body is a unique community, unlike any other!